Very Informative and all aspects of the course was safe and fun. The shooting and qualification was excellent and very safe. Very professional and very informative. This course should be taken by everyone that shot pistol from the beginners to those looking to improve and refresh safety and marksmanship. G.B.
I felt the training was thorough and would be beneficial even to the seasoned shooters. B.H.
Great Class, would highly Recommend, Great course D.E.
Everything was done in a great way. This is the second time I have had to take this course and by far this was a lot more informative. The Shooting and Handgun control was great. I felt everything was informal and done very well, thank you for the experience. G.W.
This course is fine as it was presented! The actual firing exercises were of greatest benefit to me. The instructor did a great job, was patient and helpful answering questions and addressing concerns. S.M.
Very informative class, instructor was easy to talk to, do not see any place you could need improvement. R.W
After retiring in Law Enforcement as a state swat officer and having completed three police level academies I learned Very valuable information which needs to be shared with those institutions. D.W.
Time went by quickly, kept my interest, one on one was great! J.H.
This class made me realize that something could happen and that I need to be mentally prepared for my actions and understand the laws. The real world explanations and examples helped put a better perspective on things for me. J.P.
Understanding the legal aspects of self defense was a great eye opener. If feel better prepared to defend myself and my family if I am put in a position to do so. K.M.
My friends told me about your class and how informative you were about real life situations and the legal knowledge required to carry a firearm. They were modest in their definition of your class and material presentation. This was an awesome class and I recommend anyone thinking about getting a permit to attend your class. Great Job! M.H.
I have been a teacher for over 20 years and I must say your presentation of materials and clarity of your explanations is extraordinary. I learned more in this class than I thought ever possible. Keep up the good work and thank you for making the class extremely enjoyable. I look forward to taking your advanced classes. B.J.
I can not tell you how much I enjoyed your class. You made me feel comfortable in a class of all men and I learned so much. I recommend any woman considering getting a permit to take your class. It was fun, extremely informative, and I will be taking your advanced classes. Just the simple drills you showed us in class was amazing. A.K.